Super Soil Recipe For Tomatoes

Super Soil Recipe For Tomatoes

Are you looking for a way of improving the quality of your homegrown tomatoes? Search no more! The soil in which you plant your tomatoes is the most significant factor in the overall health of your plants. And for the juicy and tasty tomatoes, you need super soil.

So, what’s a super soil recipe for tomatoes? 

A super soil recipe for tomatoes is loose soil, which is ventilated, well-drained, and moist. It should have the right quantities of nutrients, organic matter sufficiency, and a PH range of 6-6.8 which is slightly acidic. However, you should use it carefully not to damage your plants.

By reading this article, you get to know what you need to boost the quality of your tomato soil and have a healthy bountiful harvest. 

ALso Check: Hydrogen Peroxide For Tomatoes

What’s A Super Soil Recipe For Tomatoes?

A super soil recipe for tomatoes is a soil recipe that yields an ideal harvest. This soil is well-balanced and is full of the necessary nutrients and thereby having the right PH levels. However, it’s considered ‘hot’ and you should exercise extra care when amending your soil recipe. Whether you want to prepare a recipe for your garden or planting containers, we’ve got you covered!

How Do I Make Super Soil Recipe For Garden-Grown Tomatoes?

You make a super soil recipe for garden-grown tomatoes by following the step-by-step guide below. The recipe also provides the ingredients you need to prepare super soil for your tomatoes. Apply this recipe for a 4 feet x 8 feet raised bed for best results or adjust the quantities according to your bed size.


  • 3 bags of expanded shale, 40lbs each
  • 10-20 lbs of composted cow manure/poultry litter
  • 10 bags of back-to-earth composted cotton burrs
  • 3lbs of soft rock phosphate
  • 1lb of Alfalfa meal
  • 1lb of Earthworm Casting
  • 16 – 1.5 cubit feet bags of Covington’s soil builder

Mixing Procedure

  • Dig out the present clay soil to a 6 inches depth and remove any existing weeds and undesirable plants. 
  • Add shale, compost, and manure up to a level of 8 inches and mix them thoroughly.
  • Add the earthworm castings, rock phosphate, as well as alfalfa meal, and then mix them. Proceed by spreading the mixture on the tomato bed.
  • Add Covington’s Soil Builder and broadcast it too evenly throughout the bed.

How Do I Make Super Soil Recipe For Container-Grown Tomatoes?

You make super soil recipe for container-grown tomatoes by following the procedure below. The procedure’s ingredients are also given. A 75-115 liters container would give ideal results, but if you have got a different size container, adjust the quantities accordingly.  Moreover, your container should have proper drainage.  


  • 1- 1.5 cubit feet bag of Covington’s soil builder
  • 10 lbs of expanded shale
  • 3 lbs of composted cow manure/poultry litter
  • 1 cup of soft rock phosphate
  • 1 cup of Alfalfa meal
  • 1 cup of Earthworm Casting

Mixing Procedure

  • Add Covington’s soil builder, shale, and composted manure, and mix them thoroughly.
  • Add the rock phosphate, alfalfa meal, and earthworm castings, and mix them thoroughly.
  • Add Covington’s Soil Builder up to a level, 4 inches below the container lips.

Tip: Add 2 inches of cedar or hardwood mulch to keep your soil moist. 

Tips for both settings: You can add an appropriate tomato fertilizer when planting. ½ cup of Epsom Salts (after every 4 weeks) is also recommended in each hole you plant a seedling and add some water. Additionally, you could use spent coffee grounds to top dress your soil. They increase acidity in alkaline soils.

It’s crucial to note that the above super soil composition is suitable for most, if not all vegetables. 

What Is A Good Soil Mixture For Tomatoes?

A good soil mixture for tomatoes is loose and moist, has the right PH level, and the correct quantities of nutrients among other vitals. Below is what makes up an optimal soil for your tomatoes. 

  • Type and texture
  • PH level
  • Nutrients 

Let’s see the contribution of the above vitals to the fitness of your tomato soil. Keep reading.

1. Type And Texture

Most soil types accommodate tomato growing. Even so, tomato plants are lovers of loose and well-drained soils. 

For that reason, loam and loam-sandy soils are ideal for tomato growing in the garden or raised beds. If you’ve heavy clay soil, don’t worry! You can enhance a good texture by mixing it with amendments such as sawdust, sand, or peat moss.

For container-grown tomatoes, I’d recommend a commercial mix. Why? It contains non-compressing components but still remains moist. The soil amendments mentioned above are some of the best components. On the other hand, garden soil is easily compressible, stunting roots development.

Although tomatoes require a sufficient supply of water, they don’t thrive in waterlogged or excessively wet soils.

2. Ph Level

The soil  PH is the measure of its acidity or alkalinity. It ranges between 0-14, where 7 is a neutral position. The ideal PH for tomatoes is between 6.0 and 6.8, making them slightly acidic or nearly neutral.

If your soil has a significant PH variation, you should do the necessary amendment. How? Through increasing it by adding ground agricultural lime, or lowering it with elemental sulfur or ammonium sulfate-containing fertilizer.

3. Nutrients

Moderately fertile soil with plenty of organic matter provides a conducive environment for tomato growing. Adding compost during preparations gives your soil a great boost.

Also, you can add an appropriate fertilizer with correct amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Avoid, fertilizers with high nitrogen content because you’ll end up with bushy non-fruitful tomatoes. An ideal fertilizer should have an equal N-P-K ratio or one with a higher ‘P’ percentage than ‘N’ and ‘K’. 

A soil test lays a good foundation for you to provide the necessary nutrients for your tomato soil. It reveals the nutrient content and recommends the amendments you need to make. 

How Do I Prepare My Soil For Tomatoes?

You prepare your soil for tomatoes by tilling the soil and making the appropriate amendments. 

Follow the actionable tips below.

  • Tilling the bed/garden: Cultivate the planting ground by digging 8-10 inches deep into the soil. That helps to remove any weeds or unwanted plants. Get rid of rocks and debris and add 2-3 inches of compost. Mix it thoroughly with the top 6 inches of your garden soil. Furthermore, break large clods for smooth penetration of tomato roots.
  • Cover the soil to get warm: Tomatoes do well in warm soil. Covering your planting area with a black plastic sheet helps to absorb heat from the sun and warms the ground. That prevents transplanting shock. Remove it once you plant your seedlings.
  • Conduct a soil test: Testing your soil helps you to know its nutrient components, nutrient deficiency, and PH level. That way, you know what amendments you should make. Actually, the test results come with amendment recommendations.
  • Make amendments: Adjust the PH level and add the needed nutrients. If the PH is higher than the 6.0-6.8 range, decrease it with sulfur, and if lower, increase it with lime. Also, you should check out for an even balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Add compost: Compost is organic matter in a broken-down form. It’s great for boosting your soil’s fertility and texture. Add it to your tomato planting soil for fantastic results.


How Do I Activate Super Soil?

You activate super soil by initiating the microbial process (composting). The process involves adding water to the soil and stirring it. Maintain a moist state but not soggy. Additionally, your supper soil should be wrapped up or contained throughout the composting process to prevent drying. If it dries, the process stops instantly. 

What Does Epsom Salt Do For Tomatoes?

Epsom salt helps germination, cell and root development, growth, and photosynthesis, and prevents blossom-end rot of your tomatoes. All these happen in the initial stages of your plants. Towards the end of the growing season, Epsom salt keeps your tomatoes green and leafy, and also increases the yield.

Are Banana Peels Good For Tomato Plants?

Yes, banana peels are good for tomato plants. The peels are rich in potassium which is a vital macronutrient needed in the growth of your tomatoes. They also contain calcium which is excellent in blossom end rot prevention in the tomatoes.  

Is Bone Meal Good For Tomato Plants?

Yes, bone meal is good for tomatoes. It’s a reliable source of organic nutrients like phosphorus, which is essential for the growth of tomatoes and other vegetable plants. 

Tomatoes do well in soils with adequate nutrients, and even better if phosphorus is higher than nitrogen and potassium. Phosphorus enhances the quality of your tomato fruits.

Parting Shot

The Super soil recipe for tomatoes entails mixing the right components of soil in the correct amounts. Some of these ingredients are readily available at home while others are commercially acquired.

The most important factors to keep in check are the soil texture, PH, and nutrient content. Hence, your soil should be ventilated, well-drained, and moisture-retaining. It should be slightly acidic, with a PH of 6.0 to 6.8. And the nutrient content should have well-balanced nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, among other nutrients.

With the right soil recipe, you can be sure of a healthy and plentiful tomato harvest!