Plant owners are equally sensitive about their baby plants as some newborn parents. They tend to be very careful about everything they feed into their plant. Most of the plant owners try to maintain the best surrounding and environment for their plants by giving them an adequate supply of soil, water, and sunlight. Lets talk about Greensand vs Azomite.
One of the most common things that plant owners or gardeners do is to fertilize their plants with different kinds of fertilizers.
However, to fertilize your plants, you must have sufficient knowledge about your plant. In case of not knowing the nature of your plant, you can cause damage to the plant by over-fertilizing your plant.
Since fertilizers used to balance the number of mineral ions present in the soil and make the soil suitable for the plant. An excessive amount of minerals can also cause damage to plant growth.
Hence, it is very necessary to know the constituents of your fertilizer and the difference between various fertilizers that are available in the market. Below we have compared the two fertilizers that used for various plants.
What is Greensand?
Greensand or Green Sand is a type of sand also called sandstone. This type of sand found with a greenish color. The term greensand is mainly used for external Marine sediments. It typically used for those marine sediments that contain visible amounts of rounded greenish grains known as gluconies.
These grains called glauconies, consists of a mix of mixed-layer clay minerals. It includes smectite and glauconite mica in the clay minerals. Green Sand usually formed in an anoxic marine environment. This anoxic marine environment must be very rich in organic detritus. However, it must be low in sedimentary input so that it remains a rock sand.
Greensand vs Azomite
Since most of the Green Sand found as an accumulated form in particular marine environments. That is why it mostly found in fossil-rich. The green color appearance of the Green Sand is because of various amounts of minerals present inside it. It mainly consists of mineral glauconite along with iron potassium silicate.
However, greensand usually has very low weathering resistance. Weathering caused by the breakdown of various materials that are in contact with water and certain atmospheric gasses. Since the greensand has very low weathering resistance, it is very weak and friable as well. One of the most common uses of Green Sand glauconite is as a fertilizer for organic gardening.
Not only organic gardening but also used as a farming fertilizer. Because it contains a good quantity of potassium ions that are beneficial for the soil. Another use of Green Sand glauconite is water softening because it has chemical exchange properties, which helps in water softening. Another form of Green Sand glauconite, Green Sand coated with magnesium oxide.
This type of green sand known as manganese greensand. Which used for well water treatment because it can potentially reduce the quantity of iron and manganese dissolved inside the well water. Moreover, it also provides the addition of an oxidant known as potassium permanganate without making the pH conditions unreasonable.
Other than use for fertilizers, Green Sand also used as a type of rock for stone walls. However, it only used as a rock in areas where it is commonly available. However, the most common use of Green Sand remains to be fertilizer.
Moreover, recently there has been a rise in demand for Green Sand as it can make Organic soil amendments for the benefits of growing plants.
Since Green Sand has a very porous nature. It allows the absorption of minerals, ions, and water abruptly into the soil. This is why farmers believe that green sand helps in making irrigation. The supply of nutrients in the soil more efficient and better.
What is Azomite?
Azomite is one of the many minerals that are extracted from ancient volcanic Ashes. It is specifically mined from the ash deposits in Central Utah, USA. Also, It is believed by most scientists that the unique and extraordinary chemical makeup of this natural mineral Azomite. It is due to the certain conditions provided by its surrounding.
This fertilizer created when some ancient volcanic eruption caused the ashes to settle inside the sea bed. Making up this unique chemical formation.
These volcanic ashes did not only have to experience the seawater. But they also experienced water coming from hundreds of rivers that are rich in minerals.
The already rich in minerals volcanic ashes combined with seawater minerals and river minerals made this extraordinary chemical composition of Azomite. The name Azomite introduced to emphasize that it contains a to z minerals, including trace elements.
Moreover, according to different researchers and various custom reports. It has concluded that those plants that grown with Azomite produce better results. Also, give larger-sized fruits that are healthy too. Most of the vegetables that grown with Azomite have a better taste as well.
Not only this but Azomite also improves the nutritional benefits of such plants and fruits that grown with its aid. The positive results of Azomite have recorded in both labs and fields on different kinds of plants. It is a suitable fertilizer for most types of plants.
It has a pH that lies in the alkaline range. However, if you have added Azomite to the soil, then it will not raise the pH of the soil. Hence, used for any type of soil.
Azomite Vs Greensand
The difference between Azomite and Green Sand is in their extraction site and the constituents that are present in them. However, the major similarity between these two minerals is they both added to the soil for growing better quality and healthier plants at both gardening and farming range.
Moreover, another difference between Azomite and Green Sand is Azomite releases its nutrients faster than the Greensand; hence it proves to be a better fertilizer than green sand. However, they can be interchanged while using easily. Moreover, both of these minerals combined used for your plant soil.
However, you must make sure that you do not add them excessively to prevent the burning and wilting of your plant. Another difference between Azomite and Green Sand is they contain different constituents. Azomite has a to z all Minerals, and it is a complete package that provided to your plant; however, Green Sand has Limited minerals, including potassium and gluconate.
Moreover, both of these fertilizers have different percentages of potassium and silica available in them, which is why different quantities of each of them are added according to the soil requirement.
However, one thing that signifies the use of Green Sand is it can improve the growth of roots of your plant inside the soil, and it makes roots thicker and healthier.
Both of these fertilizers made from organic sources and purely organic for treating the soil of your gardens’ or fields’. That is why these fertilizers can be way better than the synthetic fertilizers that are available in the market. As mentioned above, Azomite releases its nutrient faster than Green Sand which makes it fast effective; however, Green Sand, with its slow rate of release, manages to provide plants with a healthy environment.
Both of these minerals are great for making the soil of your garden or field a better place for your plants. And the best part is they are both organic. However, the difference between Azomite and Green Sand is Azomite releases its nutrients faster than Green Sand, and it has all the minerals present in it, which makes it a better option to go for.