Gardening is one of the most satiating things to do in the world. Planting a seed and watching them grow is a heavenly feeling. Once it reaches a specific aptitude, we have to repot the plant to a bigger pot or place. The repotting process sometimes shocks the plant, and it reacts. The reaction is usually temporary, but it alarms newbies. So here we are with tips and tricks on why my Pothos is wilting after repotting.
Pothos are easy to maintain for new gardeners. Easy on the wallet, they are available in almost every other house where plant lovers live. There are many popular varieties of Pothos, including neon, jade, marble queen, glacier, etc. Though it is the least fussy plant, it requires good potting soil to grow to its fullest in the home.
Remember that garden soil is too heavy for houseplants like Pothos, so always prefer pot soil.
When to know your Pothos Need Repotting?
Know that it’s ideal time to repot when:
- Roots are pushing plants out of the pot.
- Lessen growth of the plant.
- Plant dries out quickly and requires repeated watering.
- Roots are blocking drainage holes or coming out of drainage holes.
- Plants fall off due to heavy top.
- Salt and mineral are building up on the pot.
All the signs mentioned above elaborate that your plant needs repotting.
Best Time for Repotting:
Summer is ideal for repotting any houseplant. Like all house plants, Pothos hate to get disturbed in winters. If you don’t want to stress the flaunting trail of your Pothos, gently transfer and plant it a little below the top of the growing pot. Also, make a worm compost bed on the top of the soil.
Repotting this devil’s Ivy after every 2-3 years is recommended. Go up at least 2 inches whenever changing pots with one drain hole. Water it after repotting. Usually, plants are happy after getting their new home, but in some cases, they are stressed. Let’s look into details of what makes them stressed.
Repotting Stress: Pothos Wilting after Repotting:
A Pothos wilting after repotting indicates:
- Either you have repotted it at the wrong time,
- You have maltreated the plant during the repotting process.
- Further, you have repotted the plant in different soil than it was living happily in.
- You have exposed the roots to air during the repotting process.
How to Treat Wilted Pathos?
Plants are like babies for gardeners, and those who love their babies know that they will revive after a bit of pampering. A wilted Pothos can also restore by coddling.
To treat your wilted Pothos:
- Make sure the new home of Pothos has at least one drainage hole.
- Do not dig the roots too deep in the new pot so that the plant feels the same lightning and temperature. Also, place it back in the same spot.
- Give your Pothos a dose of water-soluble plant food.
- Nip off the yellow leaves to let the new ones grow.
- Do not overwater or underwater your Pothos.
What Else Then Repotting, Can Cause Wilted Pothos?
Here, we are including some pictures of wilted Pothos and the reason behind them. Let’s have a look:
Curl Wilted Pothos:
Under watering might be the reason behind this curl of wilted leaves. You can treat them by regularly watering the plant.
Wet Feet:
Pothos love moisturized soil but not too wet. Overwatering with no drainage also cases wilted leaves.
To treat wet feet Pothos, make a drainage hole in your pot and do not overwater.
Root Rot:
Root rot also causes wilted leaves. If you take out this plant from the planter, you will see the black roots. If it is at the initial stage, you can save the plant by trimming rotten roots and repotting them in fresh soil.
Cold Damage:
The cold weather has wilted this Pothos.
You can save your indoor Pothos by wrapping them with warm lights in freezing weather.
Tips to Prevent Wilting in Pothos after Repotting:
Prevention is better than cure. So, here we are with tips to keep your Pothos healthy and prevent wilted leaves:
Selecting Perfect Container:
The size of the pot has a lot to do with the growth of a houseplant. You can use clay pots, plastic pots, ceramic pots, or any that you love, but it is advised to choose the one with a drainage hole. A drainage hole will aid in preventing issues like wet feet, and root rot in Pothos hence, reducing chances of wilted leaves.
The ideal size of the repotting planter depends on the root ball of your Pothos.
Pruning and Pre-Care:
Keep pruning the yellow leaves throughout the year. Also, it is significant to take care of your Pothos week before repotting as the healthier the plant; the easier will be the repotting process.
Quality Pot Soil:
Use good quality pot soil. Examine and make sure it is pest and disease-free. Moreover, if you are using the old soil, check that also.
Before starting the repotting procedure, make sure you have all the necessary things you require. It will save your plant’s roots from the air, which later may cause wilting.
Loose the Soil:
Avoid using hard hands on your plant while repotting. It is best to slide the Pothos out of the planter, but if it is resisting, loosen the roots and soil by pressing the sides. If your plant is not in the plastic pot, you can use a knife to loosen the corners and sides. Don’t pull the plant from foliage or stem as it may cause wilting after repotting.
Avoid Fertilizer after Repotting:
Repotting itself is a stressful procedure for a plant, and if you add the fertilizer, the plant will be more stressed.
Last Word:
Pothos is happy plants, and they grow quickly. Repotting can cause stress to them, which can be cured anyway. Moreover, Pothos wilting after repotting is a signal that your plant is in shock and not happy. Consider it your responsibility to make it more comfortable by pampering. A little love gestures by you like pruning, identifying the reason behind wilting and treating it will make the plant happier. Happy Gardening.