How To Get Rid Of Black Flies On Tomato Plants

How To Get Rid Of Black Flies On Tomato Plants

While gardening can be a part of a source of income for many gardening enthusiasts, black flies can make it a nightmare – God forbid! Sadly, the care for plants takes a lot of effort, time, and money. But this lovely experience can be tainted when black flies have their way. The tiny black flies are notorious pests that can be managed and even prevented using simple ways. Do you want to know how to get rid of black flies on tomato plants?

It’s easy. Firstly, the tiny little black flies you see making rounds on your tomato plants are an aphid’s family. You get rid of blackflies on tomato plants by manual hand removal, spraying them with water, or using natural predators. You also treat blackflies on tomato plants by applying pesticides.

This article covers how to keep your tomatoes free from flies.

How To Get Rid Of Black Flies On Tomato Plants

You remove black flies on tomato plants by:

  • Using your hands
  • Spraying with water 
  • Using natural predators which feed on the blackflies without hurting the tomatoes

Let me explain.

Rubbing by Hands

You can rub the tiny pests between your hands or squeeze them between your fingers. This is suitable for a kitchen-size garden as it is laborious. Plus, it’s time-consuming.

When rubbing by hand, please ensure they don’t escape to the ground because they will contaminate the soil or find another plant to infest.

Using Water

You can also eliminate the blackflies on tomato plants by spraying them with water. The best way to do it is by using a hose to blast them off with the water.

When spraying, be careful not to damage the plant. A high-pressure hose leaves your tomatoes fighting for their lives. So, be careful.

Natural Predators

Natural predators are effective and time-saving ways to eliminate black flies among your tomato plants. Ladybugs are such predators. These natural predators gladly feed on the blackfly, thus saving your plant in the long run.

Therefore, when you spot these natural predators in your garden, don’t kill them. Let them do their magic.

How Do You Treat Blackfly On Tomato Plants?

You treat blackflies on tomato plants by:

  • Using insecticides: These are chemicals for eliminating insects. Get them from your nearest store and quickly spray them on your plants. Once you have treated your plants, consider using an insect-proof mesh or a horticultural fleece to keep the blackflies from infesting the plant again.
  • Soft soap: You can make a soapy solution and spray it on your plants.
  • Planting repellents: Repellents keep the tomatoes safe until harvest time.
  • Removing infected stems: Use your hands to remove the parts infected and then burn them.

What Are The Little Black Flies On My Tomato Plants?

Being part of the aphid family, the little black flies attack plants and drain their sap. Normally, they target the soft, fragile parts of the tomato plant because it’s easy to suck the juice from there.

You can spot them on the tips and beneath the leaves too. They also tend to leave a sweet sticky substance on the leaves, making it easy to know that your tomato plants are under attack.

If left to multiply, they can quickly slow the plant’s growth and eventually decrease your harvest. Besides, they also cause and spread viral infections to your tomato plants due to their sharp bites. In severe cases, they can deform your plant leaves.

What Is The Best Treatment For Blackfly?

If you’re wondering how to get rid of black flies on tomato plants, the best treatment could either be the use of organic methods or inorganic methods, depending on your preference.

However, there are several factors that come into play when determining the best treatment method. For example: If you’re a small-scale organic farmer, you may want to consider organic ways of getting rid of black flies.

On the other hand, if you’re a large-scale tomato farmer, you’ll probably want to use inorganic ways for effectiveness. This approach also saves time. What’s more? Inorganic solutions like pesticides are readily available for use.

Does Soapy Water Get Rid Of Blackfly?

Yes, soapy water gets rid of black flies. It works by irritating the blackfly’s membrane. It also does an excellent job of suffocating and dehydrating them, consequently removing their protective wax.

So, how do you go about mixing the concoction? Mix a teaspoon of liquid soap and then add it to about 3 liters of water. Pour it into a spray bottle and shake it well. You can now spray the soapy mixture on your plants. Not only is this approach effective but it’s affordable to many.

What Pesticide Kills Black Flies?

Pesticides that kill black flies include:

  1. Permethrin
  2. Derris
  3. Bifenthrin
  4. Cypermethrin

However, to be effective, you must apply pesticides during the early stages of infection. Even so, pesticides may not be the best option for exclusive organic farmers, though. Besides, it’s also good to always use those that aren’t harsh on the plant.

Otherwise, you’ll damage the plants while trying to save them from black flies. It’s also good to check in at an agro vet – do a consultation before purchasing any pesticide just to be sure you’re using the right one. Plus, it’s always good to verify if there are any possible adverse effects on the user and the plants.

Does Washing Up Liquid Get Rid Of Blackfly?

Yes, washing up liquid gets rid of black flies. It’s more of a cheap and handy solution for home gardeners.

So, mix one teaspoon of washing liquid with three liters of water for great results. Fill it in a spray bottle and spray it on the black flies attacking your tomato plant.

You can also consider buying insecticidal soap from the store. Be sure to check the instructions to make your work much more manageable. While at it, be careful not to destroy the protective layer on your plants’ leaves that help in preserving water and keep harmful organisms away.

Below are some simple measures you can take to ensure that you don’t harm your plants when using liquid soap:

  • Make a test application on a few leaves and observe before spraying all.
  • Spray in the evenings.
  • After 3 hours of spraying, go back and rinse your tomato plants with water.
  • Always make sure that your liquid solution is well diluted with water.

What Is The Best Insect Repellent For Black Flies?

Tomato companion plants are the best insect repellent as they’re cost-effective and safe for you and your plants. Besides, they’re natural predators, too. Hence, a good choice that you can consider. A companion plant is a plant that provides mutual benefit to the other. In this case, we’re looking at plants that have components that repel the black flies.

Perfect companion plants include:


Tomato and asparagus plants are known to be great buddies in the garden because both have qualities that keep their enemies away. Asparagus repels black flies, while tomatoes produce solanine that repels asparagus beetle.


It’s a suitable companion plant because it helps keep black flies and fungi at bay. Garlic emits a strong, pungent smell that repels pests and has components that fight fungi.


Basil helps tomato plants stay healthy. Their strong scent is an effective tool in repelling black flies. There are also speculations that basil improves the taste of your tomatoes when planted close enough.

As we’ve seen from the examples above, companion plants not only help with pest control but also have plenty of benefits to your garden, such as:

  • Controlling the growth of fungi
  • Attracting valuable insects such as the ladybug, which feeds on the blackflies
  • Improving soil nutrients
  • Giving plant support
  • Adding flavor to the tomatoes

So, the next time you plant, incorporate these companion plants into your gardening experience. They’ll give your tomato plants the boost they need to flourish and thrive.

What Home Remedy Kills Black Flies?

Using soapy water, acidic solutions, and planting companion plants are some of the home remedies that kill black flies.


Why Are There Black Flies On My Tomato Plants?

There are black flies on your tomato plants because they either came with the potting soil or found a thriving environment to feed and grow.

Tomato plants generally do well on their own if grown in a conducive environment. However, they aren’t immune to pests and diseases.

One of the notorious pests known to attack tomato plants is the blackfly.

Luckily, you can take preventive measures like planting your seedlings in well-prepped welcoming soil so that you get plants that’ll have a fighting chance against any kind of infestation.


So, now you know how to get rid of black flies on tomato plants. Remember, black flies on tomatoes can be a nuisance and severely damage your plants to the extent that you experience low yields or no yields.

Luckily, this article has covered some inexpensive ways of getting rid of these pests.

I’d advise you to pick a method that suits you best, depending on whether you want an organic or inorganic solution for your garden. Either way, ensure that the solution you pick doesn’t harm your tomato plants.

Take charge of your gardening and farming experience. Don’t let mere black flies discourage you from pursuing your passion for growing tomatoes.