Trees play a very significant part of our lives. They give us oxygen, food (fruits), make our environment fresh and naturally beautiful, and protect us against rain, floods, and strong wind. That’s why trees need our utmost care and attention. But the wild trees do not need care yet they grow; you are probably wondering. The truth is, in as much as you have a tree in your property, it becomes yours and not wild.
As your private property, you need to start getting busy with essential landscaping activities such as trimming to care for your trees. People often overlook trimming, but before you skip that thought, think of all the reasons you shouldn’t. Aesthetic, tree health, safety, and sanitation are but a few benefits to keep you alert on tree trimming in your home.
Indulge, and let’s dig more on this twiggy issue in this article.
What Is Tree Trimming?
Getting professionals to do the tree trimming job for you is the way to go, but saving a few coins never hurts. Learn how to do tree trimming by yourself with different equipment depending on what your reason is. Read on.
Tree trimming is mainly for aesthetics. The process is purely to maintain the preferred look and shape. Therefore, trimming involves removing undesirable sections of a tree. The size of the trimmed branch determines the type of equipment you need to use. There are manual as well as automatic machines for that purpose.
If neglected, branches tend to grow in different directions, and the tree appears hideous. This irregular growth will cause your tree to look deformed and unstable. Excess growth will negatively affect any adjacent plants and the well-being of the tree. Additional branches can inhibit sunlight, moisture, and nutrients from reaching them.
Though at times, people confuse trimming with pruning. Just to be clear, pruning is removing specific parts that are dead, damaged, and diseased from a plant or tree in this case. But both trimming and pruning aim at maintaining and improving general plant health.
Why Is Tree Trimming Important?
You have to agree that extended or overgrown branches look hideous. Even though trees grow naturally without trimming, this maintenance routine helps them have a prolonged and healthy life. Nevertheless, tree trimming is for many more benefits rather than the general appearance of the tree. Such benefits include:
Tree Vigor
Structural strength is vital in all trees. The health and growth pattern of a tree determines the tree’s general strength. Stability is essential if the tree is growing near your home. You don’t want a tree falling on your house or people, do you?
When a tree has overgrown branches, the top looks heavier hence uneven structure. An imbalanced system is prone to even strong winds knock out. Therefore, trimming helps remove the excess stems, making the tree regain balance and strength.
Even trees need ‘TLC’ (Tender Love and Care) to be happy and look best. It would be best if you normalized trimming your tree earlier than the growing season to control its maintenance throughout the year. In winter, most trees shed leaves, and their growth becomes dormant. Then after winter, the development is stimulated and rapid. Though, different trees have different cycles of growth.
Moreover, if you trim your tree during the winter season, it will look incredible in spring. Therefore, have proper timing for the tree trimming as it will be valuable to its overall health. When it grows, more budding will occur if the trim is well-timed. But remember, diverse types of cuts create various growth styles.
To maintain safety, you need to trim your trees regularly. Even though a tree can look great at first appearance, that does not rule out the safety hazards it can cause. An unstable tree can fall on your property, causing severe damage. Also, the branches can fall on people or the paths hence causing accidents.
Conversely, extended branches can harbor harmful insects and animals such as spiders and snakes. Thieves can also hide behind overgrown trees in your compound. Trimming will help inhibit any hazards before it is too late.
Health and Well-Being
Other than looking unsightly, an overgrown tree can also end up wrecking its health. Excessive wild growth makes the tree to weaken and eventually die. Trimming encourages the development of new branches and doing away with the weak and overgrown ones. The fresh branches also produce more leaves.
Sunlight Access
Just like plants thrive on sunlight, humans also need it. Overgrown branches block sunlight from reaching your house through the windows. Also, the extended branches can block sunlight from reaching indoor plants.
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Apart from the health benefits of sunlight, the lighting aspect is essential as well. A house with low lighting from the sun is dark hence requires electricity to run throughout, thus additional charges. Therefore, trim out any excess branches that block sunlight from entering your home.
Increase in Property Value
Imagine going to buy a house that has well-maintained trees in the compound. The price value of that property is more than any ordinary homestead with no or poorly kept trees.
Make a habit of trimming your trees to improve the appearance of your home. Besides, it attracts potential buyers if you ever plan to sell it.
Boosts Fruit and Flower Production
If you trim your trees in the right season, the fruit and flower production will improve. Cutting in late winter will boost fruit and flower production in the summer and spring seasons.
This means that when the tree has fewer branches and leaves, the energy channels to produce more and better fruits and flowers.
What Is The Best Time For Tree Trimming?
Knowing when and how to trim trees maintains their health in readiness for a season of vigorous growth. Besides, you now understand that tree trimming is just beyond aesthetics. The best time for tree trimming depends on a couple of things. For instance;
- Growth rate: The growth rate of some trees is higher than others as they continue to grow old. Therefore, some will need more trimming than others.
- Type of tree: The perfect timing of trimming your tree will depend on the kind of tree. Some will require frequent trimming and other less, unless they are becoming a hazard.
- Seasons: Your trees will need a trim between fall when the leaves are changing and spring when blooming. So, at the end of the fall or beginning of spring seasons is perfect for tree trimming. However, different seasons have different growth rates in other trees.
Generally, tree trimming is ideal every 3-5 years, but this will also depend on the tree’s overall health and size. It will help you choose a favorable cycle for your tree trimming.
What Is The Difference Between Tree Trimming And Tree Removal?
Deciding on whether to trim or remove your tree is essential for keeping your yard looking attractive throughout. Both techniques can need professionals, or you can do them by yourself. How to handle depends on how well you understand each.
Tree removal: Just by the name, it involves complete removal of the tree. Tree removal is doing away with the tree by cutting it down to the ground and removing the tree stump from the soil. Removing a tree is needed is the tree poses a risk to the safety, responsibility, health of your property. In most cases, professionals stand a better chance of handling tree removal as they have special knowledge, equipment, and workforce to complete the task successfully. Sometimes, there is no need to risk and take chances.
Conversely, just as noted above, tree trimming is getting rid of some parts of a tree. You remove specific stems or branches for the good of the tree. This technique enhances the tree’s shapes, health, flowering/fruiting, and nutrients supply. Also, tree trimming plays a significant role in the well-being of your property.
Parting Shot
Everybody loves having trees around, but not everybody understands how to care for them properly. Most people will have their tree portraying adverse effects and not comprehend the causes for such results. Landscaping techniques such as tree trimming, removal, and even pruning are beneficial for both the tree and owner.
Sometimes, less is more!
Also check out our post on the best hedge corded hedge trimmer